I started my last semester of school this week, and it all feels a little fantastic and strange to me. Career development and my Senior Project are all that I have left, and the syllabus suggests that these courses will be easy to pass. I am nervous and excited about the whole idea of being done with school, and I have finally realized that my slate is blank 7 weeks from today. 7 weeks from today I will have more time for other activities, but what activities will I choose to fill that time? Napping? Reading? Exercising? Taking classes at the community center? Babysitting?
I know that I will spend some of that time with Bryan and the kids, doing more things outdoors, doing more crafts, taking in more evening and afternoon activities, and just enjoying more free time. But if you know me, you know that I wont let myself have too much free time for long. I like to be involved, learning new things, going fun places.
The amazing thing is that I get to complete one of my many resolutions for the year. I get to graduate with a BSBA. That feels so amazing to me! So far this is what I have completed on my list of resolutions:
We paid off our car
I lost 20 pounds
I am enhancing my spiritual awareness
I am growing another garden
I updated the landscaping
We updated the house somehow (new light fixtures here and there and a new faucet)
I am teaching Andrew ABCs, numbers, colors, and shapes
I bought some tailored jeans, they were cheap!!
and in less than two months I will have completed my coursework for my BSBA.
This year has been stuffed with amazing accomplishments and blessings, and I am grateful to Heavenly Father for pouring those blessings upon us. He has made all of this available to us, if only we find it and seek after it in righteousness. It is amazing to see the full circle right before my eyes. We do well, we are blessed, we are grateful, we give some of what we received to others, and then it repeats. The love I have in my heart for my family and my savior right now is overflowing. It was a beautiful Sunday to fast and give thanks. Even the songs rang out with merry measure, and the birds, trees, and flowers all seemed to sway and sing along.
All creatures of our God and king, lift up your voice and with us sing!
This is a surreal moment. Everything is in harmony with joy.
Thank you to everyone who has directly or indirectly supported our family through the years. Your help will never be forgotten.