Monday, July 19, 2010

The most profound question.... for moms.

What would you do with 3 whole hours of alone time??

That is THE question of the day for moms.

I didn't know the answer to that question until today. Obviously my answer will vary from day to day depending on my to-do list, my time management, my energy, and my mood. Today the answer was:

Clean the house ALONE
Eat lunch ALONE
Walk the dog I am dog-sitting ALONE
Weed the herb bed ALONE
Make cookies ALONE
Do laundry ALONE

and the best one of all......

Listen to the sound of SILENCE.....

Since I will have the opportunity to have 3 hours of alone time again tomorrow, I will be taking the opportunity to:

Remove a dead sago palm from the backyard
Take a bubble bath
Take a nap

............. that's pretty much all I am going to do.

For once I am taking my husband's advice and I am going to force myself to do as little as possible and actually relax like a "normal" person. Not relax my way, which is doing all of the things I did today by myself. But I will actually bring myself to a level of peace and laziness that I have not felt in recent months. I say that now, but tomorrow my list might look like this:

Remove dead sago palm
Take another walk
Sort old mail
Review church music and send emails for church calling
Read some more of the beginner's piano lesson manual
Research and plan activities for the kids for next week
Review the family budget
Check the fluid levels on our other car again
Sort through the kids' toys and pull ones they don't play with anymore for donation
Notice the time and realize I don't have enough time for a bubble bath or a nap

Should I fight the urge to go with option two and force myself to take option one? Normal people would not struggle with the answer to that question, but I am not normal. I am insane.

C'est la vie, oui?


  1. I think you are normal, either that or I'm insane too since I struggle with those same questions too. This is my 3rd week of having my kinds in day camp thereby having 3 hours to myself each day (well, not totally by myself, I still have the baby). I make my crazy to do list, then try to assign one or two items to each day, and let myself relax the rest. More often than not I get lots done the first few days and relax the last few days. I hope you get done what you want, including napping and a bubble bath. :)

  2. Oui, c'est la vie meilleux. Not sure if I used the proper context, but it's what I can remember, lol...

    But I'm with you on this one. Though I'm not a mom, I'm married to a very needy man who must constantly have noise, attention, and company, so I can empathize to a degree!! ;-p It's awesome to have alone time, so as to conquer to do-to list. I cannot relax until said tasks are finished anyway, so there's no point in trying until they're all done. I think they boys just wanna justify their own laziness by closing the margin of productiveness in a way which will not require them to increase their own workload. ;-p

  3. I really don't know how you wives/mothers do it. If I don't have me time daily I feel like my brain will implode. Props to y'all!
