Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog Challenge: Day Thirteen - A Replay of Today's Events

It is really hard not to beat myself up on days such as today. I keep thinking of different scenarios and the "what ifs" that are countless and agonizing.

I took Andrew with me to get Grace from school. When she came out I allowed them a few minutes to play on the playground while I chatted with another mom. Grace was climbing on the outside of the playground equipment. Yes, I realize that is not what that part of the equipment is meant for. She has done it a thousand times over the course of the past year and a half, so I didn't think much of it. I was standing about 7-10 feet away from her, talking with this other mom, when she slipped and fell. She landed wrong on her foot and then banged her head on the ground. Thankfully the blow to her head was softened by all of the mulch for the playground, but she still has scratches from the impact. But her foot worried me the most. Right after the fall she started screaming and grabbing at her ankle, and I ran over to her to check her over and see if she had broken anything. Nothing appeared broken, but she kept yelling that it felt like her foot was broken.

I picked her up and told Andrew it was time to go. He ran away from me yelling "Nooooo! I have three minutes!", so I followed after him, telling him "Andrew Allen, it is time to go, NOW. Your sister is hurt, we need to leave. You need to listen to me and stop running away.". He gave me the same reply and ran further away. I started raising my voice while walking after him faster. I told him "Andrew, your sister is hurt, you need to listen to me right now, please, and stop running". He kept running, so I counted to three to give him a warning that he would be in big trouble. He kept running anyway, so I started running after him with Grace in my arms. I caught up to him and gave him one quick pop on the bottom. He stopped and started crying, so I took his hand and told him "I'm sorry I popped your bottom, but you were not listening at all. I gave you warnings and you still ran away. Your broke a big rule. Now we need to leave right away because your sister is hurt. I am not letting go of your hand, because you are not following instructions right now".

All of this played out in front of at least 7 other moms, including the PTA president. It was FUN.

I keep telling myself that I should have just told her to stop climbing and get down. I also keep telling myself that I should have been keeping a closer eye on her so I could have seen her slipping and ran to catch her. I also keep telling myself that I should not have popped Andrew on the bottom. But then I am trying to remind myself that Grace's fall was an accident that was completely unexpected, and that I gave Andrew fair warning before I took more serious action. I also keep telling myself that getting hurt and being disciplined are things all children go through.

Then I have that voice of opposition telling me that I was careless, lazy, I lost my cool, and all the other moms that saw what happened are probably thinking the same thing. But Proverbs 13:24 keeps running through my head as a reminder that I am called to discipline my children when the time calls for it. Also, just so it is noted, I do believe that spanking should only be used as a last resort, and should never be done excessively, or to cause fear, or in moments of uncontrolled anger. Andrew is a runner, and that has caused him to receive a pop on the bottom a few times after multiple warnings and redirection attempts, such as the time he ran away from me and into a street when we were on vacation.

I was a very overprotective mother with Grace when she was an infant, toddler, and preschooler. I stressed myself out constantly over every little thing I could imagine might go wrong for her. When Andrew came along I relaxed quite a bit with him. I still keep a close eye on him and her and guide them through life's obstacles. I have yet to lose either of them or have them be seriously injured (save Andrew's fall last year when he tore his lip open while trying to climb in the bed to snuggle with his daddy). So in many ways I am doing well with the most basic of parenting skills and requirements. I just can't help but feel like I somehow let the ball drop today, and it really stinks to feel that way.

I know tomorrow I will wake up and feel better about it. I love both of my children very much, and I can only hope that I did the best I could in that situation.


  1. You sound like a good mom to get are experience the consequences of that. As a mom we often second guess ourselves, and while re-examining a situation and thinking how we could handle it differently shows that we care about our job as mothers, don't get caught up on the what ifs. You did the best you could...and I happen to think you did a pretty good job.

  2. You are too hard on yourself! You are a great mom and the way sounds a very patient one at that. In the situation you were in I'm not sure I would have give fair warning to my child before giving them a pop! I think you handle the situation well. Children are children, they are going to get hurt. You can protect them every minute of every day. I hope Grace's foot is ok! But take a deep breath, you are a great mom!

  3. Jacque, you are a good mom. I would have reacted the exact same way you did. :D In hindsight, it's easy to say "what if I had..." or "I should have..." but the reality is that you just have to do your best in the moment, and then do your best in the next moment, and then in the next moment. Your "best" will vary, from moment to moment. The nice thing about being a mom is that you aren't only given *one* moment. Hugs!

  4. I think you handled that perfectly! It's worse to hover over your kids all day. It only teaches them you don't have confidence in them and that the world is too scary to explore. As for disobey, your job is to teach them to obey, sounds like you have a good system!

  5. Thank you ladies! You are all wonderful, and you are all right, as usual. :-)

    I do feel better today. In fact, I feel like I handled it better than I could have if I had allowed myself to lose my composure, and I am satisfied with myself for not just becoming a nervous wreck during it. The school nurse assured me that it is just a minor sprain and that I did everything I could possibly do for her medically after the fall, and did it right. Grace even told me this morning that I am the best mom in the world, and that she knows I love her very much. She even made my bed for me as a sign of appreciation. And Andrew? He doesn't even remember and/or care about me being so stern with him yesterday. He is his usual happy self this morning.

    So, all in all, the world is turning, the sky is blue, it is a nice day today, and we started out on a very good note this morning.
